Monday 24 November 2014

On Blogs, Being a Blogger, Blogging, Reading Blogs and so forth.

The word Blog actually comes as a contraction from the word Web Log, it is a chronological log of personal thoughts and ideas written on the internet. A blog is typically run by an individual or small group and is written informally. It can be updated on a daily, weekly, hourly or however often you require basis.

Anyone can be a blogger, you just set up a blog and away you go! The trick is having something interesting to say. There are lots platforms on the web that you can use to start your blog: Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogger, Ghost, Wardrobe, Postagon are just a few that you can look at.

Having something interesting to blog about is the key to a successful blog. My blog is all about Journalism and it's just me sharing my opinion! The Journalism blogs that will get the most traffic will be those from already established and trustworthy sources; those that are writing about current affairs that are of interest and those that try to generate exposure. You can write about news stories, the news coverage, tips and tricks, trending or anything that you want to talk's your blog!

One of the best ways to improve your writing is to READ and to specifically read other blogs. This will teach you what you need to know and help you to develop your writing and your technique.

Blogging is one of the first steps of self-promotion you can take in the 'online community' where you will actually be able to voice your opinions. It's where you can build your professional reputation and let people know who you are and what you believe....they may even want to hire you or work with you in the future. It's the platform you can use to test out your ideas and get real feedback. You are able to share your knowledge and promote your work to professionals like yourself. Blogging makes a Journalist 'freelance' as it's the place you can say what you think, without fear of a gagging order! (Well, almost!)

Networking and building up your 'online' presence is the point of this blog, by linking your blog to your Facebook, Twitter and whatever other Social Media platform you use, you will attract followers. The more you write, post, tweet and capture through social media the more your presence will be noticed and the greater capacity you will have to succeed in the industry.

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