Monday, 6 October 2014

Social Media: My Journey, My Thoughts and the Future...

I have been using Facebook personally for many years and have a love-hate relationship with it. I find myself frustrated with the ridiculous things people share with the world. I despair at the one line comments that force people to ask "what's wrong?" 'Is everything ok Hun?" So, suddenly being faced with the task of using Twitter filled me with complete dread, thinking it would be just as bad as Facebook!

My reasons for using Twitter have been purely professional and while it has taken me some time to get it up and running, I am totally amazed at how it is being used in the Journalism industry. I had no idea that the 'world' of tweeting was quite so established.

Twitter is used by Journalists the world over to update, find and deliver stories. The instant delivery of news is what makes the future of Journalism at the heart of social media. In a recent article Mercedes Bunz from The Guardian wrote that "Most Journalists used Social Media as a source." The graph below shows how Journalists within the industry view the importance of Social Media.

The benefits of using platforms like Twitter, is that Journalists can engage with both the general public as well as professionals. This instantly equips the Journalist with many tools at their disposal. 

As a student of Journalism it has benefited me in my studies this semester. I have felt far more informed about current issues than I ever have been before. By following multiple news organisations and Journalists I have been able to get a broader coverage of current topics and as such have been able to develop my own opinion and understanding of the news coverage. This has enabled me to not be biased to any particular organisation or individual, it has also enabled me to Tweet, quote, write and link to many articles of relevance while adding my own reasoned analysis.

I have been able to see the limitations of engaging on Social Media. That as a journalist it is vital to still rely on primary sources and check your facts before you 'retweet' something that could damage your reputation. I think as long as it's used appropriately it is extremely useful in the world of Journalism.

I think it's impossible to predict the future of Social Media and Journalism since everything changes so quickly, but having a direct link to the public and professionals in such an instantaneous way suggests that the future is going to be a partnership between the two across a wide range of industries, not least of which will be Journalism.

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