Monday 20 October 2014

There has never been a more exciting be a JOURNALISM STUDENT!

It has been said that just because printed news is in decline, Journalism does not have to die along with it! Despite the evolving nature of the industry the core values that create a foundation for any Journalist are the same as they were half a century ago.

Ask the RIGHT questions, to the RIGHT people

 provide CONTEXT to the answers

DELIVER the responses in an INTERESTING and SUCCINCT manner

While the core foundation hasn't changed the method of delivery is vastly different. The tools that are available to a Journalist today mean that Journalism students must be equipped with far more ability than telling a good story and interviewing techniques (not that, that was all a Journalist needed before). Today a journalist must be able to engage with social media, to have a 'prescence' on the web. to be able to produce visually appealing infographics to 'tell the story' or help people to understand the story. They need to be proficient in multiple software platforms and understand many more.

The technology is changing as fast as we are discovering it and new Journalists must be able to adapt and evolve too. Embracing new technology as it appears will enable you to stay ahead of the game, to be more employable and give you the best future you can have.

The NEW newsroom must embrace all channels of digital media to stay ahead. Websites, Blogging, micro-blogging, Data Visuals, Print media, Phones & Tablets and many more. Steve Johnson, a Science Writer, said that "Ecosystem blogging, citizen journalism, Twittering and other Internet-age information sharing is taking root" while 'old paper news' is fading away. He stated that print news will become less prevalent, but while print media may slowly fade, Journalism is evolving and will continue to evolve.

It is a fantastic time to be a Journalism student at this technologically evolving time!

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